SCCASP Members, let’s finish off this school year strong and celebrate our achievements altogether. We are planning to have our End of Year Celebration on May 3, 2024 from 2 to 5pm, so please be sure to hold that date and attend SCCASP's End of Year Celebration - register by clicking here or visit our website sccasp.org/events so you can be sure to receive updates regarding the event and location. (Food and refreshments will be provided).
Please help SCCASP out!
- For our End of Year Celebration, nominate an outstanding school psychologist or retiree in your district regardless of membership status - https://forms.gle/pKXFs6gb5zm27ieg8. We look forward to recognizing everyone’s service and dedication to the field.
- We want you! SCCASP is looking for someone like you to be on the SCCASP Board and/or volunteer. Your commitment can be as little or as much as you would like based on your availability! If you'd like to inquire further, please message us or send us an email to info@sccasp.org. Please note that some of these positions can be a collaborative effort. Self-nominate yourself for a position here: https://forms.gle/XD8GNpvU7eUxU5u98 (Descriptions for each Board/Volunteer position is within the survey.)
As always, we highly encourage attending a SCCASP Board Meeting where we talk about events, socials, and how to increase member engagement - Dates/Times can be found on our SCCASP Events page. Even if you can’t attend the entire time, we would love to see and hear from our members!

Upcoming SCCASP Events via Zoom:
April 5th at 11:30 am: Assessment of Bilinguals: A best practice framework for valid testing of multilingual learners with Dr. Samuel Ortiz (sponsored by MHS) (NOTE: This workshop will not be recorded. Registrants must attend the full live event to receive CEUs or a certificate of attendance.)
Check out our other CASP Affiliate Events! If you are a member, our fellow CASP Affiliates are offering member rates/discounts. SCCASP Members, please message us at info@sccasp.org so we can send you the code to register for the affiliate/member rate upon membership verification.
For your reference: Professional Development Opportunities from all CASP Affiliates

The SCCASP Board got together for brunch and collaboration time!

Member shoutouts to three of our very own SCCASP Board Members for passing the LEP exam! A big congrats to Emily Bersaglia, Sherry Flores, and Katie Pettersen.

Have a colleague you want to shout out? Know a fellow psych who is doing great things? Have a cool project or initiative you started and want to #humblebrag? Email info@sccasp.org to be featured in our Member Spotlight!
Looking for webinars to satisfy the Suicide Risk Assessment and Intervention Training and Telehealth Coursework for your Application for Licensure or Renewal? Check out CASP’s website (casponline.org) as they provide both of these trainings at a cost (discounted rate for CASP Members). Sometimes, they may offer these workshops during the CASP Convention which will be held on October 15-18, 2024.