The SCCASP Board wants to share a summer learning opportunity with you! Many of you may know Jenny Ponzuric as a trainer, presenter and consultant. She is hosting a Summer Boot Camp for School Psychs and we want to help spread the word!
Jenny’s Summer Boot Camp 2022 from July 11th – 22nd.
This is a two-week program, custom-designed to support YOUR experience level in your career and prepare you for Fall 2022.
Summer Boot Camp will provide you with resources, learning opportunities, and professional development.
During the weeks of July 11-22 new, experienced, and veteran school psychologists will:
✓ get acclimated to their practice
✓ improve their practice
✓ learn micro-skills
✓ have immediate support, community, and mentorship
Each day of the boot camp focuses on a unique topic that will give you implementable strategies and resources, bring more clarity to your day-to-day practices, and provide support as you grow in your career as a school psychologist.
To take advantage of this phenomenal professional learning opportunity, REGISTER HERE!